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Wii Sports Theme Song

카테고리 없음

by profelimpo1984 2020. 1. 21. 08:14


Wii Sports Theme Song

Hello, everyone!A week or two ago I decided that the tight-knit community over at r/teenagersnew on Reddit would be able to pull off a 'band concert' of sorts. We'd select music, transcribe/arrange it, and send it out. People would then record their part and send it in, and we'd edit it together into a video!So far, it's going great. We officially selected our songs yesterday. These are (this is only the ones everyone will be doing, not the ones ensembles will be doing):Okay, Everyone! (DDLC)Toto - AfricaWii Medley (mii channel/wii shop channel/wii sports)The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (title screen)Attack on Titan (OP 1)Take On Me (real version leading into that weird minecraft parody)Drakengard 3 OST 32 The Final SongI'm currently working on the eight-minute beast that is Drakengard 3 OST 32, and a friend of mine is going to get started on another. That leaves five songs which we need to get done as soon as physically possible so people can get their recordings in before vacations and marching band camps.If anyone is able to help, that would be great!

Wii Sports Theme Song Sheet Music


Please reply (and say which song you're interested in doing)! If you can read one clef, that's fine (you can arrange it in treble and make the bass clef parts bass instantly), but both are preferred as we have a very wide spread of instruments which I'll PM you.Thank you for any responses! I'll check this in an hour or two.

Wii Sports Theme Song

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Wii Sports Theme Song